Designers at Pentagram under Abbott Miller recently finished redesigning a new identity for OLIN, a landscape architecture/urban design/planning firm based in Philadelphia. From Pentagram's website: "OLIN is the recipient of the 2008 Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for Landscape Design and is internationally recognized for creating spaces that promote social interaction as well as for emphasizing environmental, economic and social sustainability in their work. The firm was previously known as Olin Partnership, and the identity and website coincide with the introduction of the abbreviated name... The simplicity of the name and mark are counterbalanced by vibrant color options and flexible logo compositions that allow for a customizable identity. The OLIN website extends the identity into a navigable experience that encourages users to view the firm’s work through a series of different lenses. The result is an intuitive environment that complements the firm’s deep understanding of public space." I couldn't have said it any better. It's a nice use of the extremely circular O in Gotham Black that we know pretty well by now. The widespread application of color and use of scale make the identity more than just a mark--it becomes a system by which the firm can communicate visually to consumers. And any doubts that I have about this designs static nature are put to rest by the interactive features on OLIN's website.
New wordmark: Identity repeated on the website: Project view in the new OLIN website:
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